Support For Machinery And Equipment Topics
Mechanical Repair Tips is ready to help anyone with anything mechanical. We offer:
- Education on how mechanical things work; explained and illustrated for courtroom presentation
- Custom drawings and Power Point presentations on short notice
- Hundreds of mechanical repair procedures compared, both good and bad, clearly contrasted for courtroom graphics
- A database of industry standard repair procedures
- A database of so-called “creative,” “poor boy,” and “shade tree” repair techniques, and what is wrong with each of them
- Specialized exhaustive research
- Presentations comparing good work with unsafe repair practices
- Many presentations based on interviews of Master Mechanics and Welders
- Technical writing and illustration by a long-time business owner and vocational trainer
- Well- focused graphics and Power Point presentations based on your case needs
Subjects covered include machinery, mechanisms and techniques used by:
- Boaters
- Hunters
- Heavy-duty diesel equipment mechanics
- Millwrights
- Welders
- Soldiers
- Fire fighters
- Commercial fishing crew members
- Oil & gas field equipment maintenance personnel
- Truck drivers
- Equipment operators